The gym is located in the Sports Centre at Old Field
The gym is on two floors.

The ground floor contains two squat racks; benches; a large lifting platform with Olympic and Trap bars; rubber bumper plates; a full set of dumbbells (2.5kg to 50kg); a Lat Pulldown; a Leg Press; a Glute-Ham Raise; gym balls and various other accessories.

The upper floor contains mainly aerobic equipment: three Concept II ergometers; three treadmills; two cross trainers (elliptical machines); two exercise bikes; 1 adjustable cable pulley system; kettlebells; medicine balls.
Cam Sports Performance oversee the gym: they provide inductions, classes, exercise programmes and other health and keep the social media platforms updated with gym related news, exercise advice and ideas. The Facebook page also acts as a platform for you to ask questions and make suggestions.
Please go ahead and like, follow and subscribe to the pages below to stay up to date on all things gym.
For more information and to sign up for classes please see the Cam Sports Performance pages.
Sports Facilities
At Old Field, a few minutes’ walk from the Great Gate, Trinity has its own facilities for football, rugby, cricket, and netball. Four squash courts, a badminton court, and nine all-weather tennis courts can be booked free of charge. The hockey pitches are at another site a short distance from the College.
The rugby, football, cricket and men’s and women’s hockey teams compete in the inter-college leagues and knock-out competitions and the larger clubs often go on tour during vacations. First-team standards are good, but enough teams are fielded to include anyone who is keen to play.
Basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, women’s rugby, and five-a-side football are also played at College level. A variety of other sports – athletics, cross-country, swimming, golf, water polo, and fencing, for example – are organised on a University-wide basis.
All sports clubs at Trinity bar rowing are part of the Field Club, Trinity’s main sports society.
Rowing is a sport traditionally associated with Cambridge. It is worth noting that the majority of students who row have never done so before coming to University. The College’s boats compete under the title of First & Third Trinity. The name recalls two independent Trinity Boat Clubs that were founded in the 19th century and later amalgamated; the Second Boat Club has disappeared. The College puts out as many as ten men’s and four women’s eights in the Cambridge May races, while both eights and fours are entered at Henley and other regattas.