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Reassurance for EU students on funding

Trinity welcomed the government announcement that EU students applying for 2018 entry to English universities or further education institutions for undergraduate or Master’s study will continue to remain eligible for financial support.

Senior Tutor at Trinity, Professor Catherine Barnard, said:

This gives EU students applying to Cambridge in 2018 for undergraduate degrees the reassurance they need that they will continue to be eligible for financial support for the duration of their course and that their fees (and those of masters’ students) will be fixed at the same rates as for home students.

Trinity has a rich tradition of welcoming bright and motivated students from all over the world and we are delighted that EU students can apply for 2018 entry with the confidence that their financial position will not alter, irrespective of changes in the UK’s relationship with the EU.

EU students are charged the same tuition fees as UK students. UK fees may be subject to annual increases; the rate for 2018 entry has yet to be set.

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