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Guide to Great Court

A new guide to Great Court is available for visitors to the College. It provides a brief history as well as insight into the lives of some of the women, past and present, at Trinity.

It builds on the celebrations surrounding the 40th anniversary of the arrival of women in College and the appointment of the first female Master, Dame Sally Davies, in October 2019.

The Guide draws on research by Trinity student Amelia Hutchinson into the hidden histories of women at Trinity which can be downloaded here.

Dame Sally says in the introduction:

I am delighted to welcome you as visitors and hope you will enjoy exploring Great Court through the eyes of women, both those who live and work here today, and those who came before us.

The Guide is available at the Porter’s Lodge, free of charge, to all visitors.

Other highlights of the 40th anniversary celebration included the commissioning of a special film – ‘It felt like a Revolution’ – by alumna and filmmaker Sonum Sumaria.

There will be public screening of this film in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre on 28th April 2020 at 6pm as part of the Rising Tide programme of events initiated by Cambridge University Library. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with Sonum hosted by Wanipa Ndhlovu, President of the University African Caribbean Society.

Alumni, Fellows, staff and students also contributed their experiences, memories and thoughts about studying, living and work at Trinity as part of the 40th anniversary celebration. The material can be seen at


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