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Trinity Medics’ Association: Biennial Dinner

April 13, 2024

The Trinity Medics’ Association Biennial Dinner is taking place on Saturday 13 April 2024. Both alumni and current students will be getting together for what will surely be a memorable occasion!

The evening will start with a panel with Dr Jan von der Thüsen (1990), Dr Sam Channon-Wells (2009), Dr Christopher King (2007), chaired by Dr Asif Qasim (1990) on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, followed by a drinks reception and then dinner in Hall. Please find their bios below.
The dress code for the event is formal. Due to this event being during term time we are unable to accommodate alumni in college.

The programme for the event is as follows:

5:30pm – Arrival

5:45pm – Panel Discussion

7pm – Pre-dinner drinks

7:30pm – Dinner (formal dress code)

We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact us via email or call us on 01223 747506.

Registration for this event has now closed. Please contact us via email or call us on 01223 747506 if you would still like to attend. 


Dr Asif Qasim (1990)

Asif is the Founder and CEO of MedShr, the world’s leading clinical case discussion network with over 2.5 million members in 190 countries. He is an Interventional Cardiologist with NHS and private practice in London. An angel Investor in media, publishing, film and technology, Asif mentors startup Founders and clinical entrepreneurs, and is a board advisor to a number of early stage companies.

He studied Medicine in Cambridge University at Trinity College, rowing in the 1st VIII, playing 1st XI cricket and hockey. He returned to Cambridge for a PhD and was a visiting fellow at Yale, finding time to play tennis for Trinity and the University. He completed his interventional training with a prestigious fellowship in Milan. He is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist in London. He remains active in research and is a faculty member for major international cardiology congresses. He has held NHS Clinical Director roles, improving the quality of care for patients in acute and community services.

He is a serial entrepreneur who launched a pre-Facebook online network for sport and exercise. Asif developed MedShr to enable doctors to share and discuss clinical cases using an app that protects patient privacy and confidentiality. Launched from the Founders Factory Accelerator in 2015, MedShr has grown rapidly to become the world’s leading network for doctors, winning awards including Facebook Social Good App of the Year 2016 and United Nations World Summit Award 2017. MedShr works in partnership with hundreds of national and specialist medical societies, and supports education for doctors and healthcare professionals around the world. 

The MedShr platform technology uses AI and the company has developed its own medical natural language processing and AI driven insights technology, and was a winner of the Trinity Challenge for data driven solutions to future pandemics in 2021.


Dr Jan von der Thüsen (1990)

Jan von der Thüsen is a histopathologist with subspecialist interest in thoracic and cardiovascular pathology. He received his medical training at the Universities of Cambridge (UK, Trinity College) and London (UK, Imperial College), and his specialist training at Leiden University Medical Centre (The Netherlands). He developed his subspecialist interest in pulmonary and mediastinal pathology during appointments as consultant histopathologist and university lecturer at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust (London, UK).

He currently works as lead thoracic pathologist, associate professor, deputy head of department, and molecular diagnostics liaison at the department of Pathology and Clinical Bioinformatics of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). His research interests include the pathology of neoplastic and non-neoplastic thoracic diseases, including mediastinal tumours and mesothelioma, with a focus on personalising treatments through integrated and computational pathology. He has co-authored over 180 papers and is pathology sub-editor of Lung Cancer.

He is the current pathology chair of the EORTC lung cancer group, lung subgroup chair of the EORTC Pathobiology Group, medical expert for the ESP lung EQA scheme, chair of the ESP thymic and mediastinal working group (TMWG), pathology committee member of the IASLC, and computational pathology lead for the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP), the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group (ITMIG), and IASLC. He is chairman of the Dutch Thoracic Pathology Working group (NWTP), president-elect of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP), co-organiser of the Dutch international thymoma panel, member of the Dutch mesothelioma panel, and board member of the Dutch Lung Cancer Audit (DLCA).

Dr Sam Channon-Wells (2009)


Sam is a Paediatric trainee in Oxfordshire, currently undertaking a PhD at Imperial College London. He studied Mathematics at Trinity College Cambridge (2009-2013) before completing my MBBS at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry (2014-2018). His PhD is investigating transcriptomic signatures and classification of infectious and inflammatory disorders in children, applying AI techniques to better characterise and cluster the host-response to disease. His other research interests include leveraging routinely collected health data to improve antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship practices in children.

Dr Christopher King (2007)


Mr King studied pre-clinical and clinical medicine at Trinity between 2007 and 2013, qualifying with Distinction in the Final MB. He competed both his Foundation Training and Ophthalmology Specialty Training in the Oxford Deanery. Alongside his Speciality Training he was awarded a commendation in the Postgraduate Diploma in Cataract and Refractive Surgery and completed advanced training in Cataract and Anterior Segment surgery. Mr King was appointed as a Locum Consultant at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in August 2022 and is the College Tutor for Ophthalmology, the Surgical Lead for the Bucks Cataract Suite and the Simulation Lead for the Oxford School of Ophthalmology.


April 13, 2024
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