‘Your Paintings’ (BBC/The Public Catalogue Foundation)
Trinity College has a collection of some 240 pictures in oil, mainly portraits. The collection is the product of gifts from Masters, Fellows and Alumni of the College, and of commissions and purchases by the College itself, dating from its foundation in 1546 to the present day.
In addition to illustrating the political, cultural and intellectual context within which the College has developed, the pictures form a partial historical record of those who lived and taught here, and who helped extend the boundaries of knowledge. Given its royal foundation, and early links to the organs of state, together with its intellectual standing in the academic world, many of the subjects in the collection are figures of national and international importance. Similarly, some of the artists have significant reputations.
The College is pleased and grateful to be able to participate in a project cataloguing as many works of art as possible, and so making them accessible to scholars and the general public, for their pleasure, appreciation of our national inheritance, and for the furtherance of learning. It is stressed that that the paintings at Trinity College, Cambridge are not in public ownership. In accordance with the charitable aims of the College, which is a private institution, its collection is included on this website to widen public awareness and for the benefit of scholarship.
The paintings are hung throughout the College, mainly in private areas, with only those in the Hall and the Library being on public view.
Access to paintings, other than those in the Hall or Library, is normally reserved to those involved in academic research, who should apply to: The Keeper of the Pictures, Trinity College, Trinity Street, Cambridge CB2 1TQ.
Read More at : ArtUk